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  • Writer's pictureAshley

Reset Your Home For Spring

I can hear the birds chirping outside my window and that can only mean one thing... warm, sunny days are on their way! So I have compiled some of my top organizing tips to get your home refreshed and ready for the Spring!

Brighten your space! Add some pastel or brighter colors - change out pillow cases, put out a new doormat, set out some spring flowers, or even paint an accent wall! You can also brighten your space by minimizing the items in it - remove a few decor pieces from your shelves, clean everything off the floor and counters, hang one large piece of artwork in place of multiple, smaller pieces.

Take inventory of anything that needs to be repaired - leaky faucet, paintings that need to be hung, furniture that needs a facelift, etc. Then schedule a time on your calendar to do it or get someone else to do it. It will feel good to tackle your home improvement list, so get started this week!

Go through your clothes. Swap out cozy winter sweaters for lightweight tops and tshirts, store your boots, and bring in swimsuits, sandals, and rain jackets. Now is a great time to do some decluttering - donate anything that you didn’t wear last season. Be sure to try on any new clothing you are moving in. Does it still fit? Does it still fit your style? Donate anything that doesn’t make you feel absolutely fabulous!

Sort through your collections. Most of us have a collection of some kind - maybe it’s mugs, books, perfumes, or trinkets. Whatever it is, consider pullling out some that you don’t mind storing until next season, so that you have fewer to manage at a time. As you sort, ask yourself if there are any that you don’t love or use. These can be added to your donation bin for someone else to enjoy

Deep clean your kitchen. I know… not the most fun step in this refresh, but you’ll feel amazing when it’s done! Wipe out cupboards, scrub your oven, and clean out your fridge, making sure to check expiration dates of all those condiments. And once you’re done - treat yourself for tackling a less desireable task. I like to get a fancy latte, but you pick what your favorite self indulgence is and feel zero guilt about it!

Set a timer for 30 minutes and return stray items to their proper place. Getting everyone in your home involved in this task will make a huge impact! If you find an item that doesn’t have a home, find it one or ask yourself if it’s something worth finding a home for. If not, add to the donate bin!

Let in some light and fresh air! On a sunny day, there is nothing better than pulling up the blinds, opening the windows and letting the outdoors in for a bit. Even on cool days, you can do this for 10-15 minutes. Fresh, clean air can do all of us some good!


Happy Spring!

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